Sunday, November 17, 2013

Taking It to the next level, willing to raise the bar 5%

Taking It to the Next Level Willing to raise the bar 5%, I knew that this is going to be something I could do and I started to look to see just what that might look like. I actually became a bit excited because I am thinking 5% no sweat I can do that. When one is able to see the value in; the extra thought, task, or concept that will be raising the bar, one’s energy is on the rise. It puts oomph, where there was none. Juices begin to flow ideas begin to roll when you can actually see value in what you are up to. Having fun helps this process to be undergone in an Up- beat manner that will definitely catch others off guard. What is going on, what is happening with her or him… with you. When one, begins to acknowledge; just who they are, and all they have to offer. It might be a bit like tooting your own horn but you will not have to, for others will sing your praise. Doing more than what you, are expected to do is a great way in which to start. This is good news… not bad news. Really it is, you shine when you are in the zone. When your commitment is bigger than, the drab ever, familiar tales we tell ourselves, we are actually able to move mountains When one thing leads to the next thing, to the next thing we are in “the zone”. When, we find that we are more excited about what we offer, and the job we do, there is a very noticeable verve in the air and it starts in our speaking, then spells into our being, our actions, our new ideas and concepts and enhances all areas of our lives Putting more into what you do, is something that changes up the game. Puts you in the driver seat, so where you are headed is your call, you now have the say so, no longer at the effect of, you will find yourself out in front and leading the way… and we are talking 5 percent. Robert Bilheimer

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Take the GUESS WORK out of it.

Pssst make it look like you are OPEN for business take; any body having to guess whether or not you are still open for business out of any equation. Take pride in what you are up, shine it up, clear out all that stuff that just sucks the air out of the space, make fresh. When business owners actually step out from behind and then step in from the front, can they then see what is experienced over there. Very important not to over look for a couple of reasons, first being we need to always have our intention on providing our very best in whatever it is we are offering. No second bests, we are providing our best at all times not just when we kinda feel like it and it is okay when we don't, we are talking all times,] and understand this is not only done for the client or customer, it is also done maybe more importantly, for the one rendering the service, it is a good thing always to do our best, and when we do, people know it and that is where repeat business, people telling people, people thinking up reasons to use your service, because they know you do your best. There must be at least four reasons you need to know them why anybody would want to come to you. Why would people come to you? What do you offer that will be incumbent upon them coming to you? What is your value, that you are offering? When value meets up with service you have got a winner. When people wonder aimlessly, not knowing where to turn how will they find you? People want service when I say service it is a mix of; welcome, knowledge, interest, thought, and performance with a dash of of love served with a smile. If you don't think you can do it will then the very best of luck to you. We are about creating businesses worth having just cause we said so and just cause we are up to the game and we want to play. Creating an environment is quintessential if what you offering is feel, touch, taste, or smell oriented. Rest and leasure have an appeal to those who live in mayhem. People know when something is really good, really fresh, really fun. really cheap, really something, to like very much, and when they do you have a loyal client/customer/friend.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Not so Fast, Hey wait a Minute. Por Favor

We need to see ourselves differently but really differently, not reverted back before we have even thought, it through. Seeing ourselves differently is no small task it is not just a 3 minute exercise it requires something of us, it not just a wave of a wand. Being available for a conversation about seeing ourselves differently is perhaps a more adult conversation or maybe it is just the opposite; it is the child within us having a conversation with the adult that is contemplating seeing one’s self differently. We can make it up as we go. But we will notice and be aware, as we journey on. When we ask “what would seeing yourself differently, look like, what might we see? Just look, keep looking, keep looking and then maybe look a little more. See what is there maybe there is nothing, nothing comes to mind, could not think of a thing and just maybe that is because we have spent a life time, talking ourselves out it, before we even start, and making matters worse we have carried that conversation along with us, for a life time. Maybe if you squint a little so you can look real far, there might have been, a time when? This conversation spells over, into all the things that are important to us in our lives, and of course sure some things that are not all that important. It is the simply a conversation and the work involved here is creating a conversation that …. And creating it as we go.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Damn it goes fast

One day everything is going right along, the next day and it seems like yesterday you struggle to get the button buttoned and the shoes tied. Sometimes after a bit of struggle I am so glad I got it buttoned I forget to zip. It all goes so fast. Not fair I am thinking not fair at all. When it is so in your face and on your face what can one say?

Getting the most out of each day is so very important for us all, however as we get older there is more of an urgency to it all. So many days and years have passed and there really is no going back which portends to simply squeeze it a bit and get the full taste of that certain something that has been calling you.

Life is so unpredictable better eat your dessert first, is very good advice when you stop to think about it… but really. When we stop, to focus on the things that mean the most to us, there better be something there for you.

Life is forever passing, when one stands still, the world backs up or does it, have you ever tried?

We need to connect with one another and with our surroundings in ways that renew and lift up the essence of really who we are and the love we have to give. When we get out of our own way, is when we have the best chance.