Sunday, May 3, 2015

Looking inside out and rather liking it.

There is something inside our conversation we have with and in ourselves that puts the kibosh on it, without any hesitation wham it’s there. Not always but sometimes it stems back to a decision we made be true, probably in upset that has guided us thus far undistinguished as such, leaving little or no room for spontaneity, a whim, a gush of good thought to lead the way to excitement. Only when we choose not to give up and say that that we want shall it ever come. Being open is a struggle for many in varying degrees. And if you think that isn’t bad enough wait till you hear this. We most times spend an inordinate amount of time in negative thoughts and words, listen to what we tell ourselves. Notice the conversations that go on in your head, oh pretty much constantly and what are they saying are they lifting you up or burying you? The conversations we have with others exhilarating or exasperating? Notice the words others banter about there is a certain omnipresence the water we swim the air we breathe. You need to decide on that which you want, because if you don’t it won’t be there and just know all of it, is up to you. Good news, bad news however you call it is up to you. But really when you really can get that it is all up to you, that is when you can start to fly, but really. Get it and Fly. Our thoughts, our perceptions, ways in which we see the world are so, the deciding factor. No kidding you need to look no further, there it is and you know what, you want to get this, IT is good news. It is good news if you choose to treat it so. There is no, maybe and maybe not. It is decided in our speaking, in our listening, in our way of being, Good news, bad news it is what you choose. We are here and what we decide to do or not do, is really all on us. Taking ourselves out of the game I don’t know about you, but that is something I am becoming more aware of, a thrown way of being I have, I now choose to have a say in that ongoing, and not just remove myself. If you want it you can have it but it requires that we wake up, get up, step to the plate and take action. It is good news only if we say so and I am asking you to say yes so we have a place in which to begin. Being ready is a help but not always required. Many spend their lives just getting ready but never move beyond ready. “I am not ready” is often murmured. I would like to suggest “ready” is over rated. It has a tendency to slow our thinking and our ways of being, imagine not being ready and see what you get. I like better ready or not here I come and let the chips fall where they may. You want to sing, start singing. You want to dance get out on the floor and dance. Write what are you waiting for? Learn, be a great learner. Teach, be the best you can be, what would we be waiting for? It is our game and the limits are our doing, it is not until we get that, do we have a choice.

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