Friday, April 13, 2012

Time Flies not

Taking time, to Take time.

What is the rush we think is happening and where does it come from and where does it go? There is a penchant to rush, and should we see someone, who is not rushing it is often, met with distain. Taking time to take time, can be so rewarding and life changing and is something you cannot pay for. You really have no more or no less than the opportunity. Life is full and most times fast and it is only when one takes time is it possible to take time.

Life is something so fleeting and when we take time, the world seems to alter. JImi White a very special man and my very dear friend, I met along the path told me something in which I hold dear. Japanese saying; “when you stand still, the world backs up”.

In business and all facets of life for that matter if we were to take time, to say thank you. Take time to make the call. To say hello, Take time to be the special person you are, it could have the world be; a little lighter and a whole lot brighter.

Take time to do the best job possible. Take time to reread. Take time to breathe deep. Take time to smile. Take time to say I love you and mean it. To feel the sun and feel the breeze. Looking for the sunset and waiting for the moon. Take time to root for someone. Tell them you care.

Imagine a world where people care people caring about themselves, caring about others. Do you think, that might have a positive impact in our business and in our lives, I do.

Free to you: Business Inquiry: held Tuesday evenings, TBA: 7:00 to 8:45 , just be willing to look for value at every turn. Existing Businesses or Start Ups

Sponsored by
Your, Success by Design: Robert Bilheimer: 626 628 4870
RSC Business Group: Robert Chun: 310 410 3098

Monday, April 2, 2012

So What's With Excitement?


Be excited about what you do. No kidding, if it is knowledge, you have a gift in, share it with others. Bring something quite special into view. Let people into your life, enjoy life and enjoy sharing it with others. There is something they have that they will be able to share with you. If it is Art, display it, show it, sing it, and write it. But share it. . What is missing… could be you.

Take a moment, to tell 2 people a week what you do, certainly you can do more but start with 2 Something you like about what you do, an experience, outcome, moment of appreciation. Lets breathe life into the conversation not deaden it. Along the lines of just being there, see how the other person or people are reacting to what you are saying. Remember to breathe life into. Give something away; a smile, a wink, compliment, word of appreciation and just see what happens.

Today more than ever, it should be a very good idea for people to share more with one another. People who experience something in a positive way have a tendency to repeat that experience over again. And it could be over and over, for years if not lifetimes.

When you think about what excites you, there is a chance, be a slight one that you will have to think more than you might think. Because the excitement, might have been buried, by the things we tell ourselves, and so there is a chance we have left out the excitement when it comes to our work, or to our lives.

If you are having a difficult time locating excitement, look for enjoyment, or pleasing idea or concept. This is to be fun so if it is occurring to be “hard” what is the story you have around excitement.

When you begin to allow yourself to kind of, dabble with these practices, you might experience a couple of different sensations at first there might feeling of an awkward moment. it is just a second, before you get your balance, know that your balance is there. Kind of, like riding a bike for the first time, remember that first sensation of balance, once you feel balance you know it. Creating a conversation, that; is going to empower you and the people around you is where you want to put your focus. This is more about allowing than it is about effort. When we let go of those things that do not serve us and let them really go, there will be space to experience something quite new and most times rather enjoyable. Remember to breathe. Remember to lighten up. This is an opportunity most times for lessening effort. Effort is something that shows up when resistance is present. Trying to make sense of something usually is, grounded in, referencing the past. Trust yourself and the moment to be the right time and the right place.

Remember the times, in your life, where excitement showed up, you know that kind of giddy anticipation of something great is going to happen bring that to your business/life and watch what happens. Get excited and your world will follow suit We feel If you are going to put the time in anyway, you might like to have more fun and money along the way.

Business Inquiry: held Tuesday evenings, TBD Community room: 7:00 to 8:45 Free to you, just be willing to look for value at every turn. Designed for Existing Businesses or Start Ups

Sponsored by
Your, Success by Design: Robert Bilheimer:
RSC Business Associates: Robert Chun: